Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thing #11: LibraryThing

I'm not what one would call an organized person. I am more idea-oriented that detail-oriented, and while my computer files are quasi-organized, I shudder at how disorganized my desk is. Behold, the unorganized (almost) librarian! But when I log onto LibraryThing, I love seeing my "library" organized by Dewey number. My refrigerator may look a mess, but I need my 641s and 818s to be separate!
Anyway, prior to this exercise, I had seen LibraryThing before, but chosen Goodreads instead. Why? Goodreads is completely free. I can add books to my heart's content and not have to worry about going over my "limit". I like LibraryThing's organization features, but that seems to be more for a librarian's needs, to have their own personal library in Dewey or LC. What I like about Goodreads is while their organization scheme is below LibraryThing (just tags), more people use it, which allows for more book review comparison. LibraryThing also has reviews, but nowhere near the same amount as Goodreads. If I'm going to research a book I might want to read, I want reviews, and Goodreads has plenty of them. Also, because so many more people use Goodreads, this allows for a larger opportunity for social book networking. I have over 60 friends on Goodreads (yes, mostly library folk), and I love reading about their reviews and getting reading suggestions! I know of only a few people that have paid subscriptions to LibraryThing. This is one case where the volume of users wins out.

My LibraryThing catalog
My Goodreads account (yes, my profile is locked, but I add all library-community people)


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