Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thing #2: 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learning

Yes, I am a lifelong learner! Actually, now that I think about it, aren't most librarians/library workers? A part of our service is to share information and promote learning among our patrons (habit #7). To promote independent learning, shouldn't we already be practicing what we preach? Well, I may just be speaking for myself, but I love learning. I love non-fiction, I love going to workshops and classes, I loved school when I was young, and I loved it so much, I even tried teaching school! There is nothing like that "OMG, now I get it!" look on someone's face that brings such joy! Thus is why I am entering librarianship, but that goes back to my argument of all librarians being lifelong learners.

In the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners presentation, I think that the easiest habit for me is habit #5, creating a learning toolbox. Learning materials don't just lay themselves at your feet, you have to FIND them! I personally think that finding supplemental information is the best part of the learning process. It's like shopping for school supplies for the first day of school: having cool, interesting tools to help you achieve your learning goal makes the act of learning a lot more attractive.
The habit that I have trouble with is habit #1, beginning with the end in mind. I must have ADHD, because when I have a desire to learn something, I either forget about it after a few minutes, or something else shinier captures my attention. For example, I have a basic understanding of Spanish, but I've wanted to become more fluent for what seems like forever. I guess I just need to get disciplined and actually follow through with my half-baked ideas. Well, recognizing the problem is the first step to solving it, right?? I'm glad the tutorial came with a contract; that seems like just what I need to stay on track with a specific goal!


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