Monday, December 1, 2008

Thing #20: YouTube!

Who doesn't love YouTube?? You can watch music videos, funny clips, and most importantly, it can be used at the library! YouTube has channels on it's site, so why can't libraries have "channels" of various author interviews, movie trailers that are based off of books, and even user reviews. YouTube also has a contest page of currently running contests you can enter by submitting an appropriate video. The library can participate in its own contests. For kids, maybe users can post videos on their favorite part of the library or their favorite book. is an awesome site of kids talking about their favorite book. Simple, yet utilizing a Web 2.0 technology and getting users involved!
Also, as I'm showing here, videos can be embedded into library Web sites. This can be a good opportunity to promote the library in informational ways. My library's Web site had various programs (and a few storytime rhymes) taped and put on the site so users can watch and "visit" the library from home. Here's a video I participated in just a few months ago (I'm one of the gang members!) to promote Summer Reading Club. We put it on our Web site, and we have over 7,800 views so far!


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