Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thing #23

Oh hey! I'm done! And right in at the end of the program, too.

My fave "things" were flickr and the RSS feeds, both Web items that I knew about but hadn't had a whole lot of exposure to. I lurve my Bloglines account now!

All in all, Learn & Play @CML was informative and professionally enhancing. And it assisted my life-long learning goals by teaching me not to be afraid. I know, me? Afraid of Web 2.0? Well, in my last post, I mentioned my slight apprehension on working with MOLDI, but after taking a look at it and "learning and playing", I realized it's not as hard and crazy as I thought it was, and can actually be something to promote instead of just explaining what it is when people ask for it.

I would totally participate again in something like this, but I would like more of an outreach to non-CML folks. My coworkers were at least aware of this program, but maybe they were hesitant to get onboard with something that's not specifically "for them". I know, we can't get the free flashdrives or participate in prize drawings, but hey, I still got something out of this! I think I'm the only non-CML person who faux-registered and finished, and it's kinda lonely out on this limb! Also, a lot of idea sharing and a sense of belonging gets lost when you can't really talk to anyone about what you're doing.

But even though this program is over, I will continue learnin' and playin'! Because as it was said back in August, I am a life-long learner!


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